Friday, December 24, 2010

Making a family tree

This year for Christmas I made my husband a family tree.  It combines both our families into one tree; mine branching out to the right and his to the left.  It took a month of research, calling people, internet searches and then printing, organizing and taping but I finally completed it.  I got the idea from Martha Stewart's Living magazine.  The November issue had a whole section on family trees and I thought it would be neat.  I used the template on the Martha Stewart website which you can get here, had the template blown up and printed at Kinko's and then started my research.  I decided to put us in the middle of the tree, which you can see near the bottom.  Then I went up to the right are my parents, to the left are his.  From there I went straight up with each of their parents, then their parents and so on.  I was able to fit five generations.   Although the template also came with a name place template for each person I made my own in Word so I could print the name instead of hand write them.  I had the tree printed on watercolor paper so I used desktop printer watercolor paper by Burlington to print my names on.  Under each name I included date of birth and date of death.  I was able to find some of these dates with a neat website, Find A Grave, which is free.  This is a great project if you ever get the chance to make one I highly recommend it.  I learned a lot about my husbands family as well as my own and I have something that I can refer to now.  Of course, it can get very complicated but I tried to make it simple with only parents of parents listed (no brothers, sisters, cousins and so forth), but it has made me want to make a gigantic one that has everyone on it.  I'm pretty sure that would take up a whole wall through- my husband has a great uncle that has nine kids! 

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