Monday, October 11, 2010

Chicken Coop - Day 3

 The finished french doors (human entrance)

I only took a few pictures today because we worked all day.  Lewie was amazing as he felt under the weather but pretty much finished the chicken coop today.  He finished up the french doors, the nesting box, the snake wire around the bottom of the coop and the gate to the place.  With our chickens scheduled to be picked up later this evening, I made sure they had a roost inside, bedding (ours are getting pine wood shavings - you know, the kind hamsters get - can you say spoiled chickens?!) and of course feed and water.  Then, we are driving an hour away to Danridge, TN to meet our new feathered friends and hopefully leave with some.  They will spend the night in the coop and hopefully tomorrow when they are less stressed they'll get to explore their new front yard.  I'll post pictures tomorrow of the new arrivals.

Finished the snake wire around the coop and finished the gate

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